Thesis : [93] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 93 of 93
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Socio-literary analysis of “The desire for property” in “The Man of Property” by J.Galsworthy.Shirinova, Farida
2013The characteristic features of the medieval period of English literature and its influence on the post medieval literary works of English writers and poetsMirzayeva, Günel
2011Saray və xalq şairləriSəidəsr, Məhəmmədhüseyn
2012Jurnalistikanın beynəlxalq doktrinaları: xarici və yerli təcrübəQuliyeva, Samirə
2012Xocalı soyqırımı dünya mətbuatındaQaffarov, Anar
2012Müasir dövrdə AzərTAc İnformasiya Agentliyinin fəaliyyətiRəhimova, Günel
2003Positive Orientation Towards the Vernacular Among the Talysh of SumgayitTiessen, Calvin F.
2012-01“May your young people cast off the stone of singleness:” Azerbaijani “alqış phrases” (blessing formulas)and their American English equivalents,or what is revealed by the lack thereofLawry, Martha
2011Azərbaycan elektron KİV - də uşaq verilişləri, uşaqların formalaşmasında müasir medianın roluNağıyeva, Elnarə
2011Media as an implement of human rights protection and democratic changes in societyAghayeva, Natavan
2011“The analysis of the characters in “Hamlet” tragedy and their similarities with the characters in “Othello”Karimova, Parvin
2011“John Galsworthy’s creative activity and its interrelationship with Russian Literature of the XIX century”Amiraslanova, İlaha
2010"Lyrical characters or images of "common people" in Ernest Heminqway`s prose"Mammadova, Madina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 93 of 93